Welcome to Ray’s Little Ride

Our goal has always been to raise funds to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association and to help all those in the fight against Neuromuscular Disease and especially ALS. 100% OF YOUR DONATIONS GOES TO BENEFIT MD/ALS RESEARCH AND AWARENESS. On October 18th, 2015 we departed from San Diego, California with a small group of dedicated but equally crazy individuals with the goal of riding our bicycles across the United States and ending in St. Augustine, Florida. The ride didn’t exactly go as planned and involved trips to three emergency departments in three states. We also saw the ride as a way to create lasting memories amongst those who shared it with us. Man, did we ever create some memories. Despite a few “setbacks” we completed our trip to the Atlantic on November 19th.  We saw this as an opportunity to help raise a little money to encourage the scientists and researchers to keep thinking, to help people who have Neuromuscular Diseases get by, and hopefully to raise a little awareness about ALS along the way. Thanks to your generosity we have raised over $80,000 so far. I think we achieved all our goals and then some.

Click here to Donate 

The Planned Route

Join Ride for Ray on Strava and log some miles for ALS awareness

If you have been here before, welcome back. Feel free to pick up where you left off. If you are new it might be better to start from the beginning and work forward. While each blog post is a stand-alone expression of what’s on my mind at any given time, there are some references to previous posts. And overall they represent an evolution of our understanding of and relationship with a disease and how it gradually takes over an ever increasing swath of our lives. I initially set up the blog for people to follow us along on the ride. It was conceived as a simple travelogue but quickly evolved into so much more. It’s become a collection of my ruminations about ALS, cycling and the meaning of life in the universe and such. The ride is over (at least this one is) but life will go on and I will keep writing.

This weeks Ride for Ray miles



Ray’s Little Photos

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Click here to see more pictures from Ray’s Little Ride.